The Future

The foretelling of the end.

You walk down the street. A quiet day. No one dares to speak, or even write against the power of the Master. How long has it been since he took over? It came so quietly that only few realized what was happening, and by then those who had discovered it were powerless to stop the evil force.

You get to the store. You need to buy food for your starving son. Your wife had never existed according to the Master.

When you arrive home, you see the men dressed completely in black with only the letters "MS" on there jackets. You stand still, but search the area with your eyes, trying to find your son, daring not ask them of your son's location. To your horror, he is not here. The man in black closest to you begins to speak. You can not move as you are frozen in horror. You forget about your son, you worry only for yourself, what will he do to you. The man speaks in a low, monotonous voice. He tells you that your son never existed. You believe him. You have no choice. If the Master says so, then it is true. You stare straight ahead as the men leave. You think for a moment that you hear your son, but then you remind your self that he does not exist. It is only a figment of you imagination.

You stand motionless long after they leave. You realize that your actions would be received by the camera hidden in your room and sent to the MS headquarters. If the Master found out, who knows what would happen? You dare not move.

Then you wake up. Was it all just a dream? You can not remember. You have memories of a son, but they seem like just memories of dreams. You look around your apartment, trying to not look like you are searching for anything, for fear of the cameras. You can not find any evidence of anyone else living in your apartment. You must get ready to go to work. It is the designated time.

You leave for the Ministry of Truth where you work. You go to your designated space and start working. The clock chimes 07:00 precisely.

After work you head to the Colosseum. You look at the card for today's match. Who could forget the great matches, including the BORLand battle, where the master forced all the members of BORLand to fight each other to the death. The Master said that BORLand was a terrorist group which had just been formed and had been captured just one hour after it was organized.

You cheer loudly as the challengers fight to the death. You then leave after the match is finished, and head home. On your way doubt grows in your head. You try to push it out for fear that the men in black will arrest you, and make you disappear. You think you eventually push it out, but it is still in the back of your head.

You keep seeing this one man who is dressed in black and white out of the corner of your eye, but as soon as you turn to look at him he is gone. Is this the Master? you ask yourself. No, the Master would not reveal himself, even with such a low profile.

For months you feel the paranoia build in your head. Every where you look you think there are spies, and for good reason, the Master is watching you. The men in black could make you disappear at any moment. You have to feel paranoid.

A year has passed from the start of this writing. It is the designated time to leave for home. You think about the match you just watched in the Colosseum, thinking of how it will go down in history as one of the greats. A group known as the Corruptive Organized Rebelling Endemic Legion, or COREL, was the entertainment in the Colosseum today. The match will be remembered for years to come.

You take your normal route home, which passes through the one part of town that Master leaves alone. This section is where those afraid of technology live. No one refers to them by any name except Mac. You can think freely here, for there are no monitoring devices of the Master, but if you stay too long, the Master will realize that you are not in a monitored zone, increasing the chance of arrest.

You come up to an alley, still lost in thought about many illegal subjects, such as what is the Master? Where is he? Who are the people that fight in the Colosseum?

Then, quickly and silently, a man grabs you from the ally. You try to scream, but he has covered your mouth with his hand. You saw nothing of him except a black sleeve as he grabbed you. You try to turn so you can see him, but you can not move. You wonder if the men in black do actually patrol the Macs. Millions of thoughts rush through your head. What is he? Is he one of the men in black? Did they only send him, or are there more behind him?

He whispers "Quiet, unless you want to get us both vaporized! We are the underground."

You still can't move, or speak, even though he lets go of you. You think of running, but can't. You are finally able to stammer, "Are . . . are you a Mac?"

He lets out a quick, quiet chuckle. He speaks again, "No. We are not Macs. We are the underground. We were far advanced when the Evil Empire took over. We tried to resist, but couldn't. The Evil Empire had too many followers. They were afraid to change. They wouldn't switch. They stayed with the Evil Empire even though they knew it was wrong."

"The Evil Empire?"

"That is what we call the evil ones that have taken over the world. We know the truth, we know what the Evil Empire has hidden from you. The Evil Empire has not always been in command."

You feel like shouting "LIES, LIES!" But for some reason you can't. Maybe it's because you are scared, maybe it is because you are curious, or maybe because you believe.

"Come with me. I will take you to the refuge where we will explain everything."

He steps out of the shadows. That is when you finally get a good look at him. He was the man that had been following you for over a year. He had black hair and he was dressed in black and white, making him looked like a big penguin.

You follow him too a place that you have never seen. You are assured that the Master could not see you here. He did not speak of him as "the Master" though, instead he called him the Evil Emperor. He takes you to the person who looks like he is the leader. You are told his name is Linus. Linus explains that he had developed an operating system that was so advanced, that even though the Underground had become outcasts, Linux, the operating system is more powerful than the Masters. He shows you what he calls "X Windows." You love the fact that you are not treated like imbeciles and inferiors like you were from the Evil Emperor. You swear to never to follow the Evil Empire again.

You join the underground, vowing to avenge those whom Microsoft has destroyed, and those who have been assimilated by the Microsoft. You promise to free those who are afraid to change. You no longer fear the men in black or the Evil Gates. You have but one fear:


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or The Trilogy Continues

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Disclaimer: This never actually happened, it is fiction. Many similarities may exist with entities in the real world. These entities are probably very different than the ones depicted, so, if you think that they an entity is being depicted, it isn't. But if you think one is, I have included links to the web pages of entities that many people mistakenly believe are being used. Thank-you and good-bye.