The following patches are included in this file: qdig-20050509-audiocaption.patch qdig-20050509-audiocaption-r1.patch qdig-20050509-audiocaption-r2.patch qdig-20050509-conditional_body.patch qdig-20050509-dircapt.patch qdig-20050509-dirtext.patch qdig-20050509-rowview.patch Note that the following two patches: qdig-20050509-exif.patch qdig-20050509-tiff.patch are not included in this file because they may or may not work when using GD instead of ImageMagick (untested) and/or using $qdig_files instead of $cnvrtd_dir. I just haven't tested them as such, and remember writing the patches without those systems in mind. Maybe I was a good coder, and they do work? Let me know in either case, if you do decide to try them.