The Wronk [Last Update 2001.01.24]

Matthew Wronka

The Current State of

Web Browsers

Background and Disclaimer: This rant will use examples from Real Life and fiction in order to convey its point. These examples are merely for illustrative purposes and should not be seen as personal nor as non-personal attacks on anybody involved. The author has great respect for some people/sites used, and many others he knows nothing of. I have taken every effort to verify the accuracy of this piece. Any comments, suggestions, corrections, or flames can be sent to my email address.

I'm sorry Netscape. I defended you when other's turned their backs. I championed a stricter adherence to standards than some other browsers. I cheered your decision to release Navigator for free (at first limitedly, and then the regular -- non-professional -- version), I heralded your decision to opensource Mozilla, and understood why you wanted to bypass Navigator 5. But I'm fed up.

Not with Navigator, not with Mozilla; not with Netscape, not with AOL (who owns Netscape). I'm upset with the entire browser market--with every one of the major vendors (arguably there aren't very many "major" vendors anymore). When this web site (The Wronk as you see it today, a few versions previous) was in its infancy I had a page of web browser comparisons. I never had a real reason to update it. I became disgusted by it. Most of the browsers listed either disappeared or atrophied to a userbase barely rivaling that of Crystal Pepsi.

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