The Wronk [Last Update 2001.06.15]

Matthew Wronka
Current Events in My Life
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15 - 06 - 2001

It's been a long time since i've updated this. Nietzsche's gettiing an upgrade, my sis is getting a new computer, i'm getting a new job, and i'm going to a new country. Oh yeah, and i've updated my site, fixed psyche, and got SuSE. In other words, you should . . .

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27 - 01 - 2001

I've finally gotten around to ordering my new computers. The final cost comes in at the highly publicized "under £3000."

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27 - 01 - 2001

I've finally gotten around to updating my web site (it's currently v2.0 beta). The most noticeable change is of course the color scheme, but I've also added new sections (such as news). I'm curious as to what people think -- especially about the new intro page :-\