

What Revolution?

It was a pretty good movie, I thought . . . or as my lily blurb put it "It's not *that* bad." In the end, things happened the only way they could have happened. Some things never change.

But some things do. It was unfortunate that the actor that played "The Oracle" passed away. The script had apparently been changed to 'explain' the new actor--although I think it would have been better had they just ignored it entirely.

Apple Rebates

Apple's rebate fulfilment agency has decided to be irritating. Apple had a rebate, whereby you could get $200 off a new iPod and $100 off a printer with purchase of a new Powerbook. The iPods were a new model, however, and were on back order. Because the iPods were not shipped in time, the rebates are not being honored ... without complaining at least. This is still irritating.

